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What we believe

In a Christadelphian meeting you won't be emotionally pushed into conversion; Christadelphians put much more emphasis on reasoning from the Bible and a faith based on proven facts. Here are some of our key beliefs.

We believe in the gospel message as preached by Christ and his followers in the 1st Century.

This message consisted of two parts:

  • The things concerning the kingdom of God

  • Those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ

This two part message is mentioned in Acts 8:12 and Acts 28:30-31


A Summary

  • The Bible is the only true message from God and it was given entirely by Him. 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21

  • There is only one true God the creator of the heavens and the earth. Isa 45:5, 1 Cor 8:6, 1 Tim 2:6, Psalm 146:6

  • Jesus Christ is God’s son. Matt 3:16-17, Luke 1:35

  • The Holy Spirit is God’s power Acts 10:38, Luke 1:35

  • The gospel is the promises of God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob which are not yet completely fulfilled. Gal 3:8, 16+29, Romans 15:8, 2 Peter 1:4

  • The Kingdom of God existed in the past (known as the Kingdom of Israel) and will be restored in the future on the earth. Luke 1:32-33, Zech 2:12

  • Man is mortal and dies because of sin. Rom 5:12, James 1:14-15

  • Jesus Christ was a man who bore human nature, was tempted in all points in the same way as we are, yet did not sin and died as a representative for us. Heb 2:14, 4:15, John 1:29

  • God raised Jesus from the dead and he is now immortal sitting at God's right hand in heaven. Acts 2:24, Eph 1:20-21, 1 Cor 15:17

  • The dead are unconscious and the soul is not immortal. Ecc 9:5-6, Ezek 18:4

  • Jesus will return to the earth and there will be a resurrection and judgment of those responsible to God's word. 1 Thes 4:16, Acts 1:9-11, 2 Tim 4:1

  • Through belief and baptism into Christ by full immersion and living a Godly life, a person can have their sins forgiven and has the hope of being given the gift of eternal life and finding a place in Gods Kingdom when Jesus returns. Mark 16:15-16, Gal 3:29, Dan 7:18+27, Rom 6:3-4, Eph 1:7


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